Monday, January 21, 2008

Bad Rebuttal

“There’s been an annoying tendency in this campaign among some liberal writers and bloggers to dismiss arguments as right wing talking points without further consideration. While it might sometimes be valid to dismiss some of the irrationality we sometimes hear from the right, this argument is being tremendously over utilized to declare an argument invalid without bothering to consider its merits. This trend has now come to an absurd level as the Clinton campaign is responding to charges of dishonesty by dismissing this charge as a right wing talking point.” (Ron Chusid)

I agree with this post. I also think it is awesome and speaks well of a liberal blogger who would come out and say that about people with his same view points. But, I think that conservative bloggers do the same thing. They will label an argument as liberal and then shut it out completely. This is wrong, there has to be more to it than that. If candidates or bloggers or anyone shuts out an argument simply because it is not from their view point then they are probably afraid to try to argue against it. It is a cheap way out. It is also foolish to dismiss an argument that way because it allows the other side to win without a valid rebuttal.

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