Monday, January 7, 2008

Ugly Politics

Politics are ugly, but do they have to be juvenile? Juvenile being in the sense that they are immature. This also spurs from what we talked about in class on Monday the 7th of January: why do we love to see people fail? It is mind boggling how perverse some politicians are. Is it a sad reflection of our society today?

On the democratic blog that I am reading was a YouTube video that was posted following the New Hampshire Presidential Debates. On this video, two news casters debated whether republicans were more in fear of Obama or

Clinton being elected. One argued that Clinton was going to be an earlier target to bring down because she is a part of the Clinton legacy while the other argued that Obama was a much easier target because he is an African American. He said that there are Reagan supporters in several states around the country that will simply not vote for an African American. I think that it is so sad that this is still an issue today. I forget that this is still an issue and then I am shocked and appalled when it is brought up again.

When looking at politics we should be looking at whether or not we agree or disagree with the candidates views, how they will effect us and whether we think that they will be a competent president. Color, and I would also argue that gender, should not play a part in politics.

1 comment:

Haley said...

I totally agree with you. America has moved on past racism. At least that is what i was raised to believe. Pathetic, isn't it?