Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obama Not a Bad Choice

Watching part of the presidential debates in New Hampshire, I am surprised by some of the topics brought up while discussing health care. I think to myself “Now wonder Hillary is frustrated to tears about her campaign, she should be”. In my opinion, she has done a terrible job debating against Obama, Edwards, and Richardson. Instead of proposing plans and how she plans on running the country, she is focusing on the flaws of the other candidates. How can we weigh her interests against our own when she focuses on attacking how Edwards and Obama and what they stand for instead of stating exactly what she plans to do and how she plans to change our country?

I think Richardson summed the debate on “Change” up when he said “I’ve been in hostage negotiations that are civil than this”. Several times Obama, Edwards, and especially Richardson said that instead of being negative, they should instead talk about how they are going to deliver change. We should not have to listen to candidates argue, although it does make the debates much more interesting. What arguing also does is make the candidates that DO stay civil and make propositions about the future of this country stand out. I think that Obama is a great public speaker, at least what I have seen of him. Edwards also did a fairly good job, in my opinion.

Both Obama and Edwards seemed to stay, for the most part, calm, cool, and collected. Obama being the forerunner in the campaign thus far, I mostly agree with the liberal blog that I am following (Liberal Values: Defending Liberty and Enlightened Thought) when the author states, “You can see the same potential in Obama. What has long been remarkable to me is how this liberal politician fails to alienate conservatives. In fact, many like him a great deal. His calm and reasoned demeanour, his crisp style, his refusal to engage in racial identity politics: these appeal to disaffected Republicans.” (Ron Chusid)


Luke said...

I agree that negative tactics get really annoying. While bringing out opponents flaws can swing an election, this nation needs positive thinking and solutions, and candidates degrading others looks petty and childish.

Amy said...

I have to agree as well. I don't think bashing other candidate's opinions or views is helping Hilary Clinton's campaign. I feel that you should try to let the voters know where you stand on certain issues. That is what she should focus on. I will not vote for someone if I do not know where they stand on important issues. You should not directly attack your oppnent's views. I think that shows how scared she is of losing. I also agree that it makes her look childish.